20170216 克理斯多長老 教長祝福會實現嗎 ?當你覺得你的教長祝福不會實現時… https://moermenjiaodexinyang.com/2017/04/20/%E6%95%99%E9%95%B7%E7%A5%9D%E7%A6%8F%E6%9C%83%E5%AF%A6%E7%8F%BE%E5%97%8E/
20170216 克理斯多長老 教長祝福會實現嗎 ?當你覺得你的教長祝福不會實現時…
by 發文者 | 2017年 四月 20日 | 近代先知與啟示 | 0 comments

原始文章由LDS Living 所寫,在ldsliving.com張貼,標題為《Elder Christofferson’s Advice for When We Feel Our Patriarchal Blessing Will Not Be Fulfilled》
中文©2017 LDS Living, A Division of Deseret Book Company | English ©2017 LDS Living, A Division of Deseret Book Company
克理斯多長老 FB https://www.facebook.com/lds.d.todd.christofferson/posts/1278556742233738

20170216 Elder Christofferson's Advice for When We Feel Our Patriarchal Blessing Will Not Be Fulfilled _ LDS Living http://www.ldsliving.com/Elder-Christofferson-s-Advice-for-When-We-Feel-Our-Patriarchal-Blessing-Will-Not-Be-Fulfilled/s/84566
20170216 Elder Christofferson's Advice for When We Feel Our Patriarchal Blessing Will Not Be Fulfilled _ LDS Living
byLDS Living | Feb. 16, 2017
Makes You ThinkMormon Life
Many members in the Church reach a point in their lives when they feel their experiences and the promises in their patriarchal blessing don't quite add up. Recently on Facebook Elder D. Todd Christofferson shared insights that can help us find hope and understanding in those situations.
    Last week I had the privilege of speaking to a wonderful group of single adults. These are some of the thoughts I expressed:
    Some of you may have wondered about the value and significance of your life and what the Lord thinks of you. There are things that may have happened or may not have happened in your life. You may worry about parts of your patriarchal blessing that are not yet fulfilled or it seems will not be fulfilled. Please know there is a great deal still to happen in your life before your resurrection. Much more can happen than you expect! Mortal life is not the beginning or the end. The key for all of us is to accomplish all that we can now.
    Remember “the word” that Alma taught us needs to be planted in our heart. He defined “the word” as this central truth: “Believe in the Son of God, that he [has] come to redeem his people, and that he shall suffer and die to atone for their sins; and that he shall rise again.” Everything flows from that truth. Prepare good, deep ground for that seed to grow in you. Don’t let the thorns and cares of the world choke it out, but be very fruitful.
    Cultivate and apply your talents. Develop your God-given spiritual gifts. Don’t be content with where you are. Try new things. Keep going. Remember in the parable of the talents that the reward is the same for the person who increased their five talents to ten and the person who increased their two talents to four: “Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” It is good to admire a virtuous quality in someone and seek to incorporate it in your life, but don’t compare yourself to others. The Lord simply expects you to be diligent with what you have. Even with a little you can do much. Anything, if you’re diligent, is sufficient.
    Live with gratitude for all that you have—the answers to your prayers, the talents you’ve been given, and the ways the Lord manifests His hand in your life. Be aware and acknowledge His hand and express gratitude. He wants to give you more. Sometimes when I’m not feeling inspired in my prayers, I start with gratitude, thanking God for specific blessings in my life. And then the Spirit comes and brings me closer to God.
    Pray. Spend time with the Lord. Remember that you’re no stranger to your Heavenly Father. He couldn’t love you better. His love is perfect and complete. Don’t worry about lost time and opportunities. Live productively, faithfully, and gratefully. Rejoice in all that’s to come and all that already has. God can make you whole and will grant you, in His time, all that He’s prepared for you and all that He has promised to the faithful.
D Todd Christofferson FB https://www.facebook.com/lds.d.todd.christofferson/posts/1278556742233738

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